Joint Resolutions of the Indiana State Legislature.

Whereas, The State of Virginia has transmitted to this State, resolutions adopted by the General Assembly, inviting all such States as are willing to unite with her in an earnest effort to adjust the present unhappy controversies in the spirit in which the Constitution was originally formed, to send Commissioners to meet those appointed by that State in Convention to be held in the city of Washington on the 4th day of February next, to consider, and if possible, to agree upon some suitable adjustment:

And whereas, some of the States to which invitations were extended by the State of Virginia have already responded, and appointed their Commissioners; therefore,

Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of Indiana, That we accept the invitation of the State of Virginia in the true spirit of fraternal feeling, and that the Governor of this State is hereby directed and empowered to appoint five Commissioners to meet the Commissioners appointed by our sister States, to consult upon the unhappy differences now dividing the country; but the said Commissioners shall take no action that will commit this State, until nineteen of the States of the Union are represented, and without first having communicated with this General Assembly in regard to such action, and having received the authority of the same so to commit the State.

Resolved, That while we are not prepared to assent to the terms of settlement proposed by the State of Virginia, and are fully satisfied that the Constitution, if fairly interpreted and obeyed, contains ample provisions within itself for the correction of the evils complained of; still, with a disposition to reciprocate the patriotic desire of the State of Virginia, and to have harmoniously adjusted all differences existing between the States of the Union, this General Assembly is induced to respond to the invitation of Virginia by the appointment of the Commissioners herein provided for, but as the time fixed for the Convention to assemble is so near at hand, that the States cannot be represented, it is expected that the Commissioners on behalf of this State will insist that the Convention adjourn until such time as the States shall have an opportunity of being represented.

Resolved, That His Excellency the Governor is requested to transmit copies of these resolutions to the Executives of each of the States of the Union.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.
President of the Senate.

[Scanned from a photocopy supplied by Sylvia Sherman of the Maine State Archives.]

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May 11, 2000